Friday, August 3, 2012

AT&T One X getting an OTA to Android 4.0.4, addresses the menu button and patches root methods


AT&T's version of the HTC One X looks to be getting an over-the-air update to Android 4.0.4 for a select few users today, and if the rumors are true, some hackers will want to skip this one. There's no official change log posted from HTC or AT&T just yet, but some are saying that a big part of this one is security fixes that block known root exploits. In addition, there is now a setting to remove the menu button "bar" for apps that haven't been brought up to current Android standards. Users can now long-press the multitasking button for a pop-up menu. We're pretty sure the rest of the One series from HTC will be seeing a similar update soon. We've gone into the whole menu button thing in-depth, have a look here to read it.

What we do know is that it's build number 2.20, and a version bump to Android 4.0.4 -- something any Android fan would want, right? Not so fast -- security enhancements, a standard bullet-point in most every OTA, often fix exploits that are used to get root access. Since HTC and AT&T don't offer bootloader unlocking on this particular One X, that's the only way to get some root on.

If you're not worried about root, be happy that you're getting an OTA that probably fixes something and makes something better. If you are worried about root, or rooted now, hold off and wait for word from the hackers who focus on the AT&T One X for further instruction. In either case, the AT&T One X forums are the best place to find more info.

Source: Android Central forums

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