Monday, September 17, 2012

New iPod touch, iPod nano, iPod shuffle now available for pre-order from Amazon

New iPod touch, iPod nano, iPod shuffle now available for pre-order from Amazon

If you've had your eyes on a new iPod touch, iPod nano, or iPod shuffle, but prefer doing your pre-ordering through Amazon than Apple, you're in luck -- Amazon has just put their new iPod pre-order page live!

It's the same iPod touch, iPod nano, and iPod shuffle you'd get from Apple -- absent the Apple exclusive Product (RED) versions -- and you'll likely get them around the same time as you would if you ordered from Apple, but options are good, and Amazon is one of the best.

  • The new iPod touch has the same 4-inch 16:9 display as the iPhone 5, as good a camera as the iPhone 4, along with an even thinner design, and a convenient carrying loop. Comes in 7 colors.

  • The new iPod nano has a home button, a wider-screen display, and is even thinner than the touch. Also has Bluetooth at long last. (What will Apple do with that?)

  • The new iPod shuffle isn't really that new, aside from matching the new colors of the other two. Still, cheap and convenient.

So, if you want to pre-order your new iPod from Amazon, you can do so via the link below. (iMore is an Amazon affiliate, so you'll be supporting the site at the same time -- win, win, win.)



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